Spring 2022 Course Syllabus
Course: LNGM-2472- Section: 71
Liquefied Natural Gas Manufacturing
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Instructor Information
Instructor Kenneth Ballou
Phone(409) 984-6418
Location:Umphrey Industrial Technology Center - Room: 201 A
Hours:By Appointment Only
COVID 19 Information The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been exposed to COVID 19 or diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition on the COVID 19 Notification Form (available via a link on the Student Code of Conduct COVID19 webpage). This information will be provided to the Dean of Student Services. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website.
Course Information
Description Instruction in gas measurement, filtration, coalescence, sweeting, liquefaction, storage and regasification, condensate extraction and stabilization, pumps and compressors, instrumentation and controls, separators and fractionators, and transfer concepts; and hands-on operations of liquefied natural gas equipment.
Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes 1. Describes the roles, responsibilities, and work environment of a process technician. (PSLO 1); measured by embedded test questions.

2. Demonstrate ability to name basic processes. (PSLO 2); measured by interactive control room lab sessions.

3. Demonstrate ability to identify basic process equipment. (PSLO 2); measured by field lab sessions, class discussions.

4. Demonstrate ability to name basic process equipment systems. (PSO 2); measured by lab using P&ID drawings, class discussions.

5. Describe quality concepts used in process controls in process industries. (PSLO 3); embedded test questions, class discussions.

6. Demonstrate ability to identify all main ideas, supporting details, and vocabulary in reading material.
Demonstrates a full understanding of the reading. (PSLO 5); embedded test questions, class discussions.
Core Objectives
Program Student Learning Outcomes 1. Use technology to access operator-specific documentation and training.
2. Identify specific equipment and operating parameters to meet industry standards.
3. Describe the principles of quality control.
4. Diagram the process control elements in a control loop.
5. Identify basic processes, equipment, and systems to meet industry standards.
6. Implements standard safety procedures as required in industry.
Textbooks Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.

Title: Handbook of Liquified Natural Gas
Author(s): Saeid Mokhatab, John Y. Mak, Jaleel V. Valapril and David A. Wood
ISBN: 978-0-12-809996-4
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
Lecture Topics
Week 1 (Jan 17) Introduction to class. Syllabus review
Week 2 (Jan 24) LNG Plant Feed Gas Pre-treatment--Operation of Amine Systems
Week 3 (Jan 31) LNG Plant Feed Gas Pre-treatment--Operation of Molecular Sieve Dehydrators
Week 4 (Feb 7) LNG Plant Liquefaction--Operation of Refrigeration Circuits
Week 5 (Feb 14) LNG Plant Liquefaction--Gas Turbine Operations
Week 6 (Feb 21) LNG Plant Liquefaction--Cold Box Heat Exchanger Operations
Week 7 (Feb 28) LNG Plant Regasification Operations
Week 8 (Mar 7) LNG Plant Common--Operation of BOG Recovery systems
Week 9 (Mar 14) SPRING BREAK!!!
Week 10 (Mar 21) LNG Plant Common--Operation of LNG Tanks
Week 11 (Mar 28) LNG Plant Offsites--Utility Systems
Week 12 (Apr 4) LNG Plant Offsites--Emergency Response Systems
Week 13 (Apr 11) LNG Plant Simtronics Activities
Week 14 (Apr 18) LNG Plant Simtronics Activities
Week 15 (Apr 25) LNG Plant Simtronics Activities
Week 16 (May 2) Course Review for Final Exam
Major Assignments
Week 1 (Jan 17) Introduction to class. Syllabus review
Week 2 (Jan 24) LNG Plant Feed Gas Pre-treatment--Operation of Amine Systems. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification.
Week 3 (Jan 31) LNG Plant Feed Gas Pre-treatment--Operation of Molecular Sieve Dehydrators. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification. Quiz over Pre-treatment Process.
Week 4 (Feb 7) LNG Plant Liquefaction--Operation of Refrigeration Circuits. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification.
Week 5 (Feb 14) LNG Plant Liquefaction--Gas Turbine Operations. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification.
Week 6 (Feb 21) LNG Plant Liquefaction--Cold Box Heat Exchanger Operations. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification. Quiz over Liquefaction
Week 7 (Feb 28) LNG Plant Regasification Operations. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification. Quiz over Regasification
Week 8 (Mar 7) LNG Plant Common--Operation of BOG Recovery systems. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification. Quiz over BOG recovery system.
Week 9 (Mar 14) SPRING BREAK!!!
Week 10 (Mar 21) LNG Plant Common--Operation of LNG Tanks. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification.
Week 11 (Mar 28) LNG Plant Offsites--Utility Systems. Operations overview and schematic for equipment identification.
Week 12 (Apr 4) LNG Plant Offsites--Emergency Response Systems. Quiz over Plant Offsites.
Week 13 (Apr 11) LNG Plant Simtronics Activities
Week 14 (Apr 18) LNG Plant Simtronics Activities
Week 15 (Apr 25) LNG Plant Simtronics Activities
Week 16 (May 2) Course Review for Final Exam (Last class day is May 12th)
Final Exam Week (May 9)

Final Exam Date May 9, 2022 - 6:00 AM   Through  May 12, 2022 - 11:59 AM
Grading Scale  90 - 100=A    80 - 89=B    70 - 79=C     60 - 69=D    Below 59 = F
Determination of
Final Grade
Assignments - 30%, Quizzes - 30%, Final Exam - 30%, Simtronics Exercises (Labs) - 10%
Course Policies
Instructor Policies This is an online course and will require Blackboard login at least once a week. There will be virtual class sessions using Microsoft Teams. I encourage everyone to attend the scheduled sessions. If you need to discuss the course material or you grades please contact me by email to set up a virtual meeting or a meeting on campus.

E-Mail/Voice Mail Etiquette:
Students must use appropriate e-mail etiquette when corresponding with instructor; for example, complete
sentences and a full subject line with your name/course name. Voice mail messages should be clearly
spoken identifying students name, course, and any return phone number.

Taking the Final Exam is required to complete the course.
Attendance Policy Students are responsible for completing all assigned homework, including reading assignments, by the
required due dates and for being prepared for each class meeting. This applies even if you were absent
from the previous class meeting.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
Facility Policies
  1. No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom.

  2. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission.

  3. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
Important Information
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
MyLSCPA Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal (My.LamarPA.edu). When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLSCPA.
Other The course publication is available in hardback, paperback and electronic format including Kindle format. Please have the publication by February 14th.
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.
Business and Industrial Technology
Chair:Sheila Guillot
Phone:(409) 984-6381

If you have a grievance, complaint, or concern about this course that has not been resolved through discussion with the Instructor, please consult the Department Chair.